"Ballerina in the Grass" - the first Guillermo


"Guillermo" Style

All these pieces are relatively small done on paper. First I do a contour type drawing with pencil, not really looking at the paper much, encouraging imperfection and incorrect proportions and accidental effects, Then I paint over it with Acyrlic paint, again, keeping accidental things that occur, that I find pleasing, interesting or humorous. Originally, I found a framer that would mount these pieces on a board, with a black painted one inch edge matching the size of the piece. After having done quite a few, I got tired of driving to Jojotanengo to the Framer on my Moto, so I began having them mount the paper on the board in groups of three or four on whatever paper I had around and then went ahead and did the piece on the already mounted paper. As I am in Guatemala, William translates in Spanish as "Guillermo" I decided to sign these casual pieces as "Guillermo." As many people do not have a lot of cash, I often trade paintings for food, lodging, Tennis Club Memberships, drinks and other services.

"Guillermo" Style hybrid